Barcelona EAA 2018 | Session 335

Session 335

Strategies of obsidian procurement, knapping and use in the first farming societies
from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean

The session abstract:

Since they began in 1960’s, obsidian provenance studies have been improved through new analysis and methods of characterization that have given a rich database output regarding the obsidian sources from Caucasus to Mediterranean. Meanwhile, chipped stone analyses have benefited from the development of technological and functional
studies. However, it is only relatively recently that progress has been made regarding these methods for use on obsidian as opposed to siliceous rocks, due to its distinctive
physical properties. We aim to gather new studies involving innovative approaches in obsidian studies in order to revive the debate on procurement strategies, knapping and use of this predominant raw material.

The geo-chronological frame of this session is intentionally broad, including the first farming societies from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean region, covering the span from the 10th to the 6th mill. BC. These communities shared almost the same kind of lifestyle, in particular, concerning the significance of agriculture and animal breeding. Yet the environmental and cultural background differed in many ways, which has influenced the access to obsidian. We tend to compare, at a large scale, the strategies employed by the farmers to exploit obsidian in different socio-cultural and environmental settings. The session aims to identify the main parameters that conditioned the exploitation of this raw material.

We invite scholars to present their approaches to these archaeological questions, particularly when utilizing multidisciplinary methods. Papers presenting case studies are also welcomed. The contributions and the up-to-date discussion will be published in an internationally peer-reviewed volume.

We invite you to submit your abstracts for participating in the session via the official EAA website

Submission deadline: 15th February 2018

For questions contact the session organizers: