Pages: 180
Publisher: Leiden University (Leiden, 2020)
Language: English Methodologies: Starch Grain Analysis, Use-wear Analysis Periods: Neolithic Related Topics: Grinding Tools, Foodways Link: Abstract: This dissertation combines two different analytical methods, use wear and ancient starch grain analysis, to investigate the uses of different types of grinding tools. The artefacts were recovered from two of the earliest Neolithic farming communities in the central plain of China. The research focuses on addressing four research issues regarding “correlation between tool type and function”, “choices of ancient food processing techniques”, “rice processing in the early rice agricultural societies”, and “foodways in different Neolithic communities”. The findings were published in four peer-reviewed academic articles (Chapter 2 to 5). The data attained regarding Neolithic culinary practices and different uses of grinding tools allows a more nuanced and broader consideration of ancient foodways in the research region. Chapter 6 consolidates the results from the study of archaeological grinding tools and previous research to discuss the foodways of the ancient Jiahu population. In Chapter 7, a comparison of foodways at Jiahu and other Peiligang Culture sites suggests the intangible cultural boundaries and interactions between these Neolithic communities. Overall, this dissertation highlights that Neolithic grinding tools played different roles in early farming societies, especially in food processing practices.