Call for papers – Special Issue “Not Just Wear: The synergy of trace analysis with other disciplines and non-invasive techniques in archaeology” Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory

Submission deadline: 1 September 2025

The special issueNot Just Wear: The synergy of trace analysis with other disciplines and non-invasive techniques in archaeology” – Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory (Springer) is now open for submissions.

The special issue welcomes contributions that focus on the integration of trace analysis with other disciplines, targeting both methodological improvements and the interpretation of archaeological evidence, while encouraging critical discussion of the limitations of the discipline and proposing new strategies to overcome them.

The editors invite contributions that integrate trace analysis with other independent analyses, such as residue analysis, lithic technology, and raw material studies, as well as with related disciplines, including zooarchaeology, paleobotany, and anthropology.


  • Cristina Lemorini
  • Isabella Caricola
  • Flavia Venditti