Links to microwear and residue PhD Theses are included below. This list is work in progress and it is surely not exhaustive.
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CAURETTE, Natacha | Le travail de la peau durant le Solutréen récent. Approches fonctionnelles de l’équipement lithique et osseux de Combe Saunière (Dordogne), du Cuzoul de Vers (Lot) et de Landry (Dordogne) | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
CADALEN, Naya | Activités artisanales et division des tâches dans une société maya classique. Approche systémique et fonctionnelle de l’outillage lithique de Cancuén (Guatemala) | Université Côte d’Azur, France
GUIBERT-CARDIN, Juliette | Comportements socio-economiques au Paléolithique inférieur en Europe. Apport de l’étude tracéologique et techno-morpho-fonctionnelle des outillages lithiques | Université Côte d’Azur, France
HALBRUCKER, Éva | Tenacious traces. The impact of burning and patination on microwear traces on experimental and prehistoric stone tools from the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Scheldt valley | Ghent University, Belgium
CIOFALO, Andy J. | Starchy Foodways: Surveying Indigenous Peoples’ culinary practices prior to the advent of European invasions in the Greater Caribbean | Leiden University, Netherlands
LI, Weiya | Foodways in early farming societies: microwear and starch grain analysis on experimental and archaeological grinding tools from Central China | Leiden University, Netherlands
PFLEGING, Johannes | On the Foundations of Robotic Use-wear Analysis: Improving Archaeological Methods for Artefact Characterization with Robotics Technology | ETH Zurich, Switzerland
VUČKOVIĆ, Vesna | Neolithic economy and macro-lithic tools of the Central Balkans | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
DICKINSON, Paul | Through a Glass Darkly: Finding Values in Obsidian Stemmed Tools from New Britain, Papua New Guinea | University of Leicester, United Kingdom