AWRANA Conference 2022, 5-8 April, Barcelona: Tracing Social Dynamics

REMINDER: Call for Proposals until October 31st, 2021!

Are you coming? A survey on the attendance to the congress has been launched!


From the Organizing Committee of AWRANA22 Barcelona, they want to transmit us some information:

Dear colleagues,

We hope this message finds you well. As the deadline for the abstracts for AWRANA 2022 in Barcelona is approaching, we wanted to remind you about submitting your proposals by the end of October 2021.

We are really looking forward to seeing you all in Barcelona in April next year, where we will have the chance to discuss a broad range of use-wear related topics in person, after such a long time of travel restrictions. Therefore we have constantly monitored the COVID situation, and organised the conference venue accordingly to guarantee a safe environment. However, we also understand that some of you are still uncomfortable with travelling or are in countries that are still under strict regulations. In case that some of you want to participate from but cannot join us in person, we ask you to let us know a soon as possible, in order to make adjustments for an hybrid event – in person & online.

For this reason, we would like to ask each of you to participate to this pool by following the link:

We kindly ask you to submit your preference no later than October 10th.

Best regards from Barcelona,

AWRANA 2022 Organising Committee

Submitted proposals can be in either of the following formats:

  • Oral presentations – 15 minutes
  • Pecha Kucha – 20 slides / 20 seconds per slide
  • Posters.

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should include 5 keywords. Proposals should be sent to the following email address: [email protected]

Please use the Submission Form available on the website, also to get informed about important dates and updates.

Please follow this link to view a downloadable version of the call for papers.